Pinigų grąžinimo politika

We give a guarantee: we will return your money within 20 days. If the item does not fit you, you can return it to us within 20 days by email or phone, stating the reason for return within 14 days of receipt. A requirement: all items MUST be sent back complete with triggers and packaging and ANY FREE gifts included in the package you received.

We offer you extra services: subscription delivery or special delivery with merchandise insurance. If you do not use these services, we cannot be responsible for any returns sent. Shipping costs are not refunded.

If you discover any defects, we will offer a exchange or a full refund if you receive defective items, provided you return them to us within 20 days of receiving them. If our product turns out to be defective, simply contact us with the details of the item you wish to return, as well as information about the time of purchase. 

Please pay attention - we do NOT accept returns without first emailing us (, and ALL returns must be accompanied by a copy of the original packing slip.

If you received a bad product that you returned to us within 20 days, we will refund any postage charges upon request.